Gobekli Tepe and Beyond

Gobekli Tepe 2GT Night

If anyone had suggested just twenty years ago that post-Ice Age hunter-gatherers were capable of erecting monumental architecture they would have been told in no uncertain terms that this was highly unlikely.

Gobekli TepeThere is so much literature out there now on Gobekli Tepe, it can become quite frustrating to wade your way through it all. I have tried to pull together the most credible of the papers as published by the Archaeological team and indeed by Klaus Schmidt himself (RIP). A thank you also to Sl Coburn for providing two of the articles and Richard Gabriel for his enhanced pillar representation…..

Here are all the links – I will add to the list as and when the information becomes available….

10,000 BC Gobekli Tepe Blog Spot : http://gobeklitepee.blogspot.co.uk/

Gobekli Tepe Twitter : https://twitter.com/gobeklitepe

Gobekli Tepe News Letter : https://www.academia.edu/6198728/G%C3%B6bekli_Tepe_Newsletter_2014

Gobekli Tepe Face Book Page : https://www.facebook.com/gobeklitepe

Settlement Survey and Stone : https://www.academia.edu/12791784/Like_a_Carpet_of_Snakes_Towards_an_Iconography_of_the_PPN_in_Upper_Mesopotamia_Klaus_Schmidt_and_%C3%87i%C4%9Fdem_K%C3%B6ksal-Schmidt

A preliminary Report (1995-1999) : http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/paleo_0153-9345_2000_num_26_1_4697

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Pics by Anne Tittensor, Carol Engel, Richard Gabriel, Archaeological Team/GT & URFA & RedIce Creations…..

About USOKS Global Research

Bob and Anne have been working together for the past 7 years connecting ancient cultures and their migratory paths around the planet. Time and research into these ancient connections have produced results that have connected the continents in times said to be impossible just a short time ago. Join them, US, as we continue to share what we find along the way. Anne Tittensor, an Independent Researcher, specialising in Global Connective Stonework, Global Connective Symbology and Ancient Quantum Physics. Originally from Scotland, I have travelled the world seeking evidence of a lost civilisation from Turkey to Peru, from Easter Island to America and beyond. visit @: https://annetittensor.wordpress.com/ The Rogue Researcher AKA Bob Newton, is an independent researcher that has been researching heavily for the past 8 years into the history behind the Mis-Story we have been taught. Specialising in the Lost Continent of MU, The Rogue Researcher investigates clues to our hidden past. Clues that are hidden in plain sight. visit @: https://therogueresearcher.wordpress.com/
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